Creating a logical path

Business Continuity Manager Web API Reference Guide

Part Number

The following is an example of the operation to create a logical path by using Figure 1.

To create a logical path, perform the following procedure:

  1. Create a path set definition file (preparatory work on the ISPF panel)
  2. Load the path set definition file (YKLOAD)
  3. Establish logical paths (YKBLDPTH)

Preparatory work

From the ISPF panel, create a path set definition file (path set ID: PATHSET1) that defines inter-disk controller logical paths between the primary and intermediate sites and between the intermediate and remote sites. For details about operations on the ISPF panel, see "Defining a path set" in the Hitachi Business Continuity Manager User Guide.

Loading the path set definition file (YKLOAD)

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKLOAD. For the operands key, specify the parameters of YKLOAD.

The PREFIX and DAD parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf", "ver":"0100",
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKLOAD", "operands":" PATH(PATHSET1) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX) DAD(LOCAL)" }, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

Establishing logical paths (YKBLDPTH)

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKBLDPTH. For the operands key, specify the parameters of YKBLDPTH.
{ "cliname":"YKBLDPTH", "operands":"PATH(PATHSET1) " }
Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf", "ver":"0100",
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBLDPTH", "operands":"PATH(PATHSET1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

If the rc key value is 0, all logical paths have been established.