Applies to ShadowImage, TrueCopy, TrueCopy with the HyperSwap attribute, and Universal Replicator.
This command reads a specified copy group definition file and creates the following CSV files based on the copy group information:
Pair information CSV file
EXCTG information CSV file
CTG information CSV file
Before running this command, allocate areas for the CSV file datasets and catalog the files.
If you want to check the output CSV files, use the z/OS dataset and file REST interface to obtain the content of the datasets.
For details about CSV files, see the description "CSV files used by the copy group definition file generation function" in the Hitachi Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide.
Request body format
{"action":"submit", "cliname":"YKEXPORT", "operands":" [PREFIX(prefix)] △1GROUP(copy-group-ID) [△1OUTPAIR(pair-information-CSV-dataset-name)] [△1OUTCTG(CTG-information-CSV-dataset-name)] [△1OUTEXCTG(EXCTG-information-CSV-dataset-name)] " }
Parameters specified in the request body
PREFIX(prefix) ~ <PREFIX string>
Specify the prefix of the copy group definition file.
Specify the copy group ID of the copy group.
OUTPAIR(pair-information-CSV-dataset-name) ~ <dataset prefix>
Use the full dataset name (excluding the single quotation marks before and after the dataset name) to specify the name of the pair information CSV dataset output by YKEXPORT.
If you omit this parameter, the name used is .CSV.OUTPAIR concatenated with the PREFIX parameter value. (If the PREFIX parameter was omitted, the PREFIX parameter value of the default parameter is used.)
OUTCTG(CTG-information-CSV-dataset-name ~ <dataset prefix>
Use the full dataset name (excluding the single quotation marks before and after the dataset name) to specify the name of the CTG information CSV dataset output by YKEXPORT. For Universal Replicator copy groups, you must specify this parameter.
OUTEXCTG(EXCTG-information-CSV-dataset-name) ~ <dataset prefix>
Use the full dataset name (excluding the single quotation marks before and after the dataset name) to specify the name of the EXCTG information CSV dataset output by YKEXPORT. For Universal Replicator copy groups in an EXCTG configuration, you must specify this parameter.
The execution of this command does not check if the configuration of the copy groups specified in the copy group definition file is supported. Therefore, an error could result when you specify, by using the YKIMPORT command, a CSV file created by this command. If an error occurs, check if the configuration of the copy groups in the CSV file is supported. For details about the YKIMPORT command, see YKIMPORT (inputs copy group information).
The pair information CSV file is created even if an error occurs during creation of the EXCTG information CSV file.
The pair information CSV file and EXCTG information CSV file (only for 4x4 configurations) are created even if an error occurs during creation of the CTG information CSV file.
Return code
If the CLI command has finished running, the return code of the CLI command is set in the rc key of the response. If an error occurs before the CLI command is run, the BCM Web API server sets the return code.
The following table lists and describes the return codes of the YKEXPORT command.
Return code |
Meaning |
0 |
The command completed normally. Contents of the copy group definition file were output to the CSV file. |
4 |
No copy pairs were defined in the specified copy group. No data was output to the CSV file. |
32 |
The input file was invalid. |
40 |
An error occurred during file I/O processing. |
48 |
Termination due to invalid parameters. |
64 |
An error occurred during REXX processing. |
For details about return codes set by the BCM Web API server, see Return codes set by the BCM Web API server.