YKDELCNF (deletes a configuration file)

Business Continuity Manager Web API Reference Guide

Part Number

This command deletes the following configuration files.

  • Deletes the route list definition file and all command device definition files in the route list

  • Deletes the disk configuration definition file

  • Deletes the copy group definition file

Request body format

{ "action":"submit",

Parameters specified in the request body

PREFIX dataset-prefix-for-the-configuration-files

This is a common parameter included in the default parameter dataset. For details, see Creating a default parameter dataset.


Specify this to delete configuration files. Specify the type of configuration files that you want to delete and the parameters defined by the file type.

ROUTE(route-list-ID) ~ <ROUTE string of 8 or fewer characters>

Specify this to delete the route list file. Specify the route list ID of the route list definition file that you want to delete. The command deletes the specified route list as well as any command device definition files that will no longer be needed after the route list is deleted.


Specify this to delete a disk configuration information file.

SN(serial-number-of-the-storage-system) ~ <five-character alphanumeric string>

Specify the storage serial number of the disk configuration information file that you want to delete.

DAD(DADID) ~ <DAD string>

Specify the DADID of the disk configuration information file that you want to delete.

GROUP(copy-group-ID) ~ <GROUP string>

Specify this to delete copy group definition files. Specify the copy group ID of the copy group definition file that you want to delete.


  • You can specify more than one DELETE parameter.

  • If you want to specify the DELETE ROUTE parameter, before executing the YKDELCNF command, run the YKDELRMT command to make sure that there are no defined command devices left in the route list.

  • If you want to specify the DELETE GROUP parameter, before running the YKDELCNF command, run the YKDELETE command to release copy pairs defined in the copy group to be deleted.

Return codes

If the CLI command has finished running, the return code of the CLI command is set in the rc key of the response. If an error occurs before the CLI command is run, the BCM Web API server sets the return code.

The following table lists and describes the return codes when the YKDELCNF command ends.

Table. YKDELCNF command return code list

Return code



The command terminated normally.


The configuration file is invalid.


  • OPEN, input, or output could not be performed for the parameter dataset.

  • An error occurred while a REXX variable was being written.

  • The configuration file could not be found.

  • OPEN or input could not be performed for the configuration file.


There is an error in the record specified for the parameter dataset.

For details about return codes set by the BCM Web API server, see Return codes set by the BCM Web API server.