The BCM Web API server reads and uses the default values for the configuration file prefix and DADID, etc., from the default parameter dataset. Allocate the default parameter dataset in advance and set the default values. When creating a BCM Web API server startup procedure, allocate the default parameter dataset to the DD name CLIDFLTS.
The format of the default parameter set is as follows:
PREFIX△1dataset-prefix-for-the-configuration-file DAD△1DADID-of-the-host-on-which-BC-Manager-is-running [ROUTEID△1route-list-ID] [ROUTELABEL△1route-label] [STORCLAS△1storage-class] [VOLUME△1volume-serial-number] [UNIT△1device-type] [CFGUPDTE△1{INPLACE|REALLOC}] [VIACDEV△1{Y|N}] [REQBUFSIZE△1buffer-size-for-BCM-Web-API-requests] [RESPBUFSIZE△1buffer-size-for-BCM-Web-API-responses] [APILOGPREFIX△1prefix-for-BCM-Web-API-log-datasets]
- PREFIX dataset-prefix-for-the-configuration-file ~ <PREFIX string> ((1 to 16 characters))
Specify the prefix of the configuration file name.
- DAD DADID-of-the-host-on-which-BC-Manager-is-running ~ <DAD string> ((1 to 28 characters or 44 - (13 + PREFIX length), whichever is smaller))
Specify the device address domain ID of the storage system specified on the current host (host DADID).
- ROUTEID route-list-ID ~ <ROUTE string> ((1 to 8 characters))
Specify the route list ID to be specified in the ROUTE parameter of the YKLOAD command.
- ROUTELABEL route-label ~ <ROUTELABEL string> ((1 to 8 characters))
Specify the route label to be specified in the ROUTE parameter of the YKLOAD command.
- STORCLAS storage-class ~ <storage class string>
Specify the storage class to which you want to assign the configuration file.
- VOLUME volume-serial-number ~ <volume serial number string> ((1 to 6 characters))
Specify the volume to which you want to assign the configuration file.
- UNIT device-type ~ <device type string> ((1 to 8 characters))
Specify the device type to which you want to assign the configuration file.
Specify how to run commands for Gen'ed volumes.
If you specify Y and all of the following conditions are met, YKLOAD runs with the VIACDEV parameter specified:
- No route list has been loaded yet.
- The ROUTE parameter is not specified for YKLOAD, and the ROUTEID parameter is specified as the default parameter.
- The VIACDEV parameter is not specified for YKLOAD.
- REQBUFSIZE buffer-size-for-BCM-Web-API-requests~<numeric value>((1000 to 999999999))<<65536>>
Specify the size (number of bytes) of the buffer for storing BCM Web API request messages. The BCM Web API server handles HTTP requests as errors when the request body exceeds the value specified for this parameter.
- RESPBUFSIZE buffer-size-for-BCM-Web-API-responses~<numeric value>((100000 to 999999999))<<2097152>>
Specify the size (number of bytes) of the buffer for storing BCM Web API response messages. This size determines the maximum number of volumes that can be returned by YKGETHDA and the maximum number of copy pairs that can be returned by YKGETGRP. If the response message returned by the BCM Web API exceeds the value specified for this parameter, information about copy pairs or volumes after the maximum number is reached are not be returned for the total key in the response body.
- APILOGPREFIX prefix-for-BCM-Web-API-log-datasets~<prefix string>((1 to 39 characters))
Specify the prefix for BCM Web API log datasets for recording messages sent and received between the browser and the BCM Web API server and for the BCM Web API log control dataset that excludes log datasets and determines the output destinations.
If you specify this parameter, BCM Web API logs are recorded in BCM Web API log datasets that are named as follows.
Similarly, log control information is recorded in the BCM Web API log control dataset that is named as follows.
If you omit this parameter, logs are not output.