This section describes the multi-line messages that are output to SYSTSPRT.
REPORT SUMMARY: COPY GROUP : cgid PREFIX : prefix DAD-ID : dad TYPE : cgtype GROUP STATUS : status SIMPLEX : simplexct MATCHING% : match PENDING : pendingct REVERSED% : rev% DUPLEX : duplexct ATTIME : attime SUSPEND : suspendall -STATUS : attms OTHER : otherct
The report information for when SUMMARY is specified for REPORT is displayed.
cgid: Copy group ID
prefix: Prefix
dad: Copy group local device address domain ID
cgtype: Copy type
simplexct: Number of copy pairs in SIMPLEX status
pendingct: Number of copy pairs in PENDING status
duplexct: Number of copy pairs in DUPLEX status
suspendall: Number of copy pairs in SUSPEND status
otherct: Number of copy pairs in other statuses
status: Copy group status
match: Copy progress percentage
rev%: Percentage of copy pairs whose copy direction is secondary-to-primary
attime: ATTIME suspend time
attms: ATTIME suspend status
REPORT DETAIL: COPY GROUP : cgid PREFIX : prefix DAD-ID : dad TYPE : cgtype PRI SEC MATCH C/T SUB C/T C/T VOLSER DEVN DIR DEVN STATUS RATE% ID C/T DELTA TIME [ volser pdev dir sdev status match cid sid delta time ]
The report information for when DETAIL is specified for REPORT is displayed.
cgid: Copy group ID
prefix: Prefix
dad: Copy group local device address domain ID
cgtype: Copy type
volser: Volume serial number
pdev: Primary device number
dir: Copy direction
>: Primary-to-secondary
<: Secondary-to-primary
sdev: Secondary device number
status: Copy pair status
match: Copy pair matching percentage
cid: Consistency group ID or master journal group ID
sid: Restore journal group ID
delta: Consistency delta value for each consistency group
time: Consistency time for each consistency group
REPORT RPO: COPY GROUP : cgid C/T SUB PRI- SEC- C/T C/T ID C/T SN SN DELTA TIME [ cid sid prisn secsn delta time ]
The report information for when RPO is specified for REPORT is displayed.
cgid: Copy group ID
cid: Consistency group ID or master journal group ID
sid: Restore journal group ID
prisn: Serial number of the primary storage system
secsn: Serial number of the secondary storage system
delta: Consistency delta value
time: Consistency time
REPORT STATS: COPY GROUP : cgid PREFIX : prefix DAD-ID : dad TYPE : cgtype MJNL RJNL PRI %S SEC %S - PRI GB - - SEC GB - C/T SUB PRI- SEC- TRANS JNL-VOL JNL-VOL -- JNL-VOL -- JNL-VOL ID C/T SN SN KBYTES/S MET DAT MET DAT DAT DAT [ mjg rgj prisn secsn trans-kb pjm pjd rjm sjd pri-jnlvol sec-jnlvol ]
The report information of the Universal Replicator copy group for when STATS is specified for REPORT is displayed.
cgid: Copy group ID
prefix: Prefix
dad: Copy group local device address domain ID
cgtype: Copy type
mjg: Master journal group ID
rgj: Restore journal group ID
prisn: Serial number of the primary storage system
secsn: Serial number of the secondary storage system
trans-kb: Data transfer rate (Kbps) between the main control unit and the remote control unit
pjm: Master journal volume metadata usage rate
pjd: Master journal volume data usage rate
rjm: Restore journal volume metadata usage rate
sjd: Restore journal volume data usage rate
pri-jnlvol: Master journal volume data capacity (GB)
sec-jnlvol: Restore journal volume data capacity (GB)
REPORT DETAIL: COPY GROUP : cgid PREFIX : prefix DAD-ID : dad TYPE : cgtype PRI SEC MATCH C/T SUB C/T C/T VOLSER DEVN DIR DEVN STATUS RATE% ID C/T DELTA TIME [ volser pdev dir sdev status match cid sid delta time]
The report information for when DETAIL is specified for REPORT is displayed.
cgid: Copy group ID
prefix: Prefix
dad: Copy group local device address domain ID
cgtype: Copy type
volser: Volume serial number
pdev: Primary device number
dir: Copy direction
>: Primary-to-secondary
<: Secondary-to-primary
sdev: Secondary device number
status: Copy pair status
match: Copy pair matching percentage
cid: Consistency group ID or master journal group ID
sid: Restore journal group ID
delta: Consistency delta value for each consistency group
time: Consistency time for each consistency group
The values specified in the YKMONOPT file are displayed.
cycletime: Cycle time
timeout: Timeout value
lvllog: Level of messages to be output to SYSTSPRT
lvlcons: Level of messages to be output to the console
err-action: Error action to be executed
stoppt: Stop point
sleeppt: Sleep point
COPY GROUP DEFINITIONS: ID : cgid PREFIX : prefix DAD-ID : dad ROUTE LIST : routelt[,route-label] VIACDEV : cgviacdev MONITOR STATUS : cgmonstat STARTUP STATUS : cgsastat,cgsaact,cgsaopt [ WHEN STATUS cgstatus DO ACTION 'action err-action']
The values specified in the YKMONCG file are displayed. This message appears a number of times, equal to the number of copy groups specified.
cgid: Copy group ID
prefix: Prefix
dad: Copy group local device address domain ID
routelt: Route list ID
route-label: Route label
cgviacdev: Whether to issue commands to Gen'ed volumes via command devices
cgmonstat: Copy group monitoring status
cgsastat: Copy group startup status to be checked for starting BCM Monitor
cgsaact: Startup action executed if the copy pair status for starting BCM Monitor is different from the specified startup status
cgsaopt: Option information of the CGSTARTUPSTATUS parameter
cgstatus action err-action: Status, action, and error action for the copy group specified in STATUS and ACTION
These parameters appear a specified number of times.