
Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide

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  1. PROC statement

    Specifies the member name of the initialization parameter that is used during the startup of the Business Continuity Manager agent. The member specified in this statement is the default value. To use a non-standard member, execute the START command to change the member during the startup.

  2. EXEC statement

    Specifies the following operands:

  3. YKPARM DD statement

    Specifies the name of the dataset that contains the initialization parameters, and a member name for a partitioned dataset.

  4. YKLIST DD statement

    Specifies the dataset to which the initialization parameter analysis result is to be output. The specified dataset must have the following attributes:

    • LRECL: 121

    • BLKSIZE: Multiple of 121

    • RECFM: FBA

    • DSORG: Sequential dataset (and a member name for a partitioned dataset)

  5. SYSTSPRT DD statement

    Specifies DUMMY.

  6. SYSTSIN DD statement

    Specifies DUMMY.

  7. SYSABEND DD statement

    Specifies the location to which the dump is output when the Business Continuity Manager agent terminates abnormally. SYSOUT=* is specified in the standard cataloged procedure for startup. If the DUMMY output class is assigned as the output destination class for system messages in a job that is started by the START command, we recommend that you specify SYSOUT=SYSOUT-class-enabled-for-output, since the dump is not output with SYSOUT=* specified

  8. SYSEXEC DD statement

    Specifies the dataset that contains the REXX exec library.

  9. STEPLIB DD statement (optional)

    Specifies the Business Continuity Manager load library dataset. If the Business Continuity Manager load library dataset is linked to the system's LINKLIB, you do not need to specify the STEPLIB DD statement.

  10. YKLOG01 DD and YKLOG02 DD statements (optional)

    Specifies the log dataset to which BCM log data will be output to without using the system logger service.

    For details on how to specify DD statements for BCM logs and output BCM log data, see the description about outputting the BCM log data in the Hitachi Business Continuity Manager User Guide