Changing the cataloged procedure for startup

Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide

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You can change the contents of the standard cataloged procedure for startup according to the system environment and create a separate cataloged procedure for startup for the Business Continuity Manager agent. The cataloged procedure (member) can have any name.

By adding the SYSTCPD DD statement to the cataloged procedure for startup, you can set up an environment for TCP/IP clients and programs used by the Business Continuity Manager agent. For example, when the standard TCP stack environment is not used, you can specify the TCP/IP environment settings file by adding the SYSTCPD DD statement.

For details on how to specify the TCP/IP environment settings file without using the SYSTCPD DD statement and how to define the TCP/IP environment settings file to be specified in the SYSTCPD DD statement, see the explanation of a basic TCP/IP system in the IBM manual Communications Server IP Configuration Guide.