Statically concatenating the libraries needed to execute the YKSTART command

Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide

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To concatenate the libraries needed to execute the YKSTART command:

  1. Concatenate the REXX Exec library HDSYEXET or HDSYEXVT to the DD name SYSEXEC.
    • If the library that is concatenated to the DD name SYSEXEC is a fixed length format (RECFM=FB), concatenate to the REXX Exec library HDSYEXET.
    • If the library that is concatenated to the DD name SYSEXEC is a variable length format (RECFM=VB), concatenate to the REXX Exec library HDSYEXVT.
  2. Concatenate the panel library HDSYPNLT to the DD name ISPPLIB.
    Note: In an environment in which the DBCS functionality is used, concatenate HDSYPNLT to the alternate panel library (DD name ISPPALT) as well. For details, see the IBM manual ISPF User's Guide Volume I.
  3. Concatenate the message library HDSYMSGT to the DD name ISPMLIB.
    Note: In an environment in which the DBCS functionality is used, concatenate HDSYMSGT to the alternate message library (DD name ISPMALT) as well. For details, see the IBM manual ISPF User's Guide Volume I.
  4. Concatenate the table library HDSYTABT to the DD name ISPTLIB.
    When you concatenate datasets, determine RECFM and LRECL, considering the attributes in Table 1 and those of the datasets to be concatenated. For example, if DSORG=PO and RECFM=FB, LRECL must be the same in all the datasets. For details, see the IBM manual DFSMS: Using Data Sets. For details on how to change RECFM and LRECL, refer to the information on IEBGENER and IEBCOPY in the IBM manual DFSMSdfp Utilities.
    Once configured, YKSTART can be started by selecting 6 Command in the ISPF Primary Option Menu and is included as a selection in each site-specific selection menu.