Using the license key file

Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide

File Size
1.1 MB
Part Number

With this method, you transfer the obtained license key file to MVS and use the Manage Licenses panel to register the license. For details about the panel used for the following procedure, see the Hitachi Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide.

To use the license key file:

  1. Create a license information dataset.
    For details on the license information dataset attributes, see section Format for license information datasets. For details on license information dataset names, see section Naming for license information datasets.
  2. Transfer the license key file to the host.
    Perform file transfer from the license key file to the MVS dataset (called the license key dataset) in the following format:
    • ASCII mode
    • Encoded (to EBCDIC)

    Assign the following attributes to the license key dataset in which the license key file is stored:

    • Dataset format: VB or FB sequential dataset
    • Record length: 200 bytes or greater
    • Block size: Any value

    The file transfer destination is assumed to be a license key dataset named BCM.LICENSE.KEYSFROM.HITACHI.

  3. Start Business Continuity Manager.
  4. Display the Main Menu panel and select 2 Manage Licenses.
    The Manage Licenses panel appears.
  5. In the Manage Licenses panel, enter the license key dataset name (BCM.LICENSE.KEYSFROM.HITACHI) in the License Key Dataset Name field and press Enter.
    The license keys are read from the license key file and are installed in the license information dataset.

    The YK9001I message is output if the license key is installed correctly.

  6. Use the Manage Licenses panel to confirm that the licenses have been installed correctly.
Tip: If the license key file contains the license key for Tiered Storage Manager for Mainframe, that license key will also be installed.