This method does not use SMP/E; instead, installation is performed directly from the provided dataset to the target library.
Members of the sample JCL library being installed must be changed according to the user's installation environment. Details are shown at the beginning of each sample JCL. For modification examples, see Modifying sample JCL.
The storage destinations for sample jobs are shown below:
The sample JCL is stored in the HITACHI.CHYKnnn.F1 dataset (the nnn part varies depending on the version) after the procedure in section Transmitting the Business Continuity Manager load module from the CD-ROM to a host machine is performed. If the RECVUPLD job is changed and the output destination dataset name for the TSO/E RECEIVE command is changed, the sample JCL is stored in the dataset after the changes.
JCL member names and functions are shown below. The following sample JCL is executed during a simple installation.
Copies the content of the provided datasets to the target library.
For examples of modifying sample JCL (HDSYKSIN), see HDSYKSIN (simple installation).